But today, during the hours of free time I had, I really focused on the reasons why I decided to study abroad in the first place. In my application essay, I wrote that I wanted to become fluent, to experience a different culture, and I wanted a challenge (Boy, has it been a challenge!). I wrote that essay from the heart. I reflected on it for days because I needed it to be true, not because I wanted to appear as the perfect candidate with the best writing skills. In that essay, I never mentioned achieving any lengthy academic or career goals; it was all about personal goals. Since the frenzy of French life began, my personal goals have been crowed out by these exterior ones. Now is the time that students my age decide what they want to do career wise, if they haven't already. All I can think about is: What do I want to do with my Anthropology degree? Do I want to study primatology and do fieldwork? Do I want to research primate cognitive function? What about primate sexual dimorphism and secondary sexual characteristics? Maybe I want to do forensics? Or do I want to contribute to research on human evolution? Where in there can I fit in food culture studies? Can I please have a brain like an encyclopedia and just do all of this?
Obviously there is a tangle of career questions in my mind hiding my personal needs and wants. So I think to myself again, Why do I want to be fluent in French? It is not so much the specific language that I care about, it's the wonderful feeling I get from communicating with people in a way I find foreign. The patterns I recognize, what I learn about my own language from studying another, the risks you take every time you attempt to say something and the feeling of saying it right or being understood... thats what I love and thats why I'm here. It seems that I just needed to be reminded of it.
I'm trying, I really am. I takes a lot of mental and emotional strength to remove oneself from the comfort of one's mother tongue and dive full force into a foreign one. This is communication we're talking about here, that very innate thing that is the essence of our social lives. But I know I can do this, I know it, it will just take some positivité.