Monday, February 28, 2011

Garden Food: Part 1

I did not realize how difficult it would be to keep up with a blog.

I have an accumulation of photos to post on here but not enough time to do it! I don't even have enough time to get all my reading assignments finished! Lately, migraines have taken up a lot of time that could otherwise have been productive. Migraines hurt and I want them to go away!

On a lighter note, I was able to enroll in the Human Functional Anatomy class today. Ten units for a single class, this is going to be quite a bit of work, but I'm excited. We get to dissect real human cadavers which is not really an experience you come across everyday. I would really like to enroll in Culture through Food but I need to take a French class too so I might have to skip out on the Food class unfortunately. But I love food! At my gardening internship we make/get to eat some of the best food of my life. Its all straight from the garden and makes me feel so healthy and self-sufficient. The experience of growing your own food is a very empowering one.

A majority of the food we make at the Garden comes straight from the garden. I love harvesting salad each week for lunch then coming back the next week to see everything that I had picked grew back! All the food is vegetarian and mostly vegan and so delicious! 

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