Monday, February 28, 2011

Homemade Valentine's Churros

 For dessert on Valentine's Day I made these delicious homemade churros using this recipe. They were surprisingly so simple to make and ridiculously satisfying with the dark chocolate dipping sauce and homemade cinnamon whipped cream. The whipped cream was the basic recipe found anywhere with a few dashes of cinnamon thrown in. It went so well with the churros!

Garden Food: Part 1

I did not realize how difficult it would be to keep up with a blog.

I have an accumulation of photos to post on here but not enough time to do it! I don't even have enough time to get all my reading assignments finished! Lately, migraines have taken up a lot of time that could otherwise have been productive. Migraines hurt and I want them to go away!

On a lighter note, I was able to enroll in the Human Functional Anatomy class today. Ten units for a single class, this is going to be quite a bit of work, but I'm excited. We get to dissect real human cadavers which is not really an experience you come across everyday. I would really like to enroll in Culture through Food but I need to take a French class too so I might have to skip out on the Food class unfortunately. But I love food! At my gardening internship we make/get to eat some of the best food of my life. Its all straight from the garden and makes me feel so healthy and self-sufficient. The experience of growing your own food is a very empowering one.

A majority of the food we make at the Garden comes straight from the garden. I love harvesting salad each week for lunch then coming back the next week to see everything that I had picked grew back! All the food is vegetarian and mostly vegan and so delicious! 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I'm living in France next year!

I made it! I've been accepted to the University of Bordeaux in France! I'm so excited! I will study there for an entire school year and all of my classes will be taught in French! Ah, it is going to be très difficile, but hopefully I'll come back fluent!

How pretty is my new school? The architecture in France (and most of Europe for that matter) is so much better than the architecture here in the United States. Even on east coast, where the oldest American buildings are, the architecture isn't as elaborate.

Anyways, the university system is broken down into 4 areas. I should be taking most of my classes in the building above, which is Bordeaux 2, because the anthropology department is located there. Its funny though, anthropology is grouped with the medical sciences and isn't put with the social sciences like it is on many campuses. 

I'm excited, so so so so incredibly excited. I leave in late August and will be there until late June!